You may think that online forms are the fastest way to manage your call for applications, especially when you quickly start receiving applications. However, you are only saving time at the beginning of the process. Once you begin accepting applications, it becomes a nightmare. You are left alone with a vast number of applications to process.
Alternatively, submission management software is designed to simplify every step of the process. It is your optimal solution to launch and most importantly manage your calls for applications efficiently saving time and effort.
Let’s face it. It is easy and cheap to get started with form builders or/and email attachments. However, you find yourself lost trying to process all the applications. You end up wasting more time than you initially saved.
A dedicated submission management system will allow you to manage, evaluate, and communicate all in one place with just a few clicks.
How can you benefit from Submission Management Software and overcome the problems you face with Online Form Builders?
1. Workflow instead of just an initial setup
While online forms start the process quickly and easily, you get overwhelmed when you start receiving the applications. With submission management software, there is a streamlined workflow covering every step of the process with the help of a set of features you choose based on your needs.
2. Screening and Filtration in one place
In online forms, screening and filtration are done separately, which requires so much manual work. However, the right way to do it is in the same place, with evaluation forms to give accurate scores and auto-scoring to calculate total scores and rank submissions automatically.
3. Judges and judging panels access
Instead of sending information to third parties and manually putting scores on submissions, you can do both tasks in one place by inviting judges to access submissions.
4. Communication with users is made easy.
Communicate directly with judges, applicants, and other team members on the system. Send emails in bulk, and set reminders to communicate feedback with applicants. Have a summary of all users in one place with all their relevant information.
5. Real-time analysis of submissions
Your dashboard includes a real-time analysis of your call for applications that tracks the performance of your call for applications so you can take corrective actions when needed.
6. Multi-phase rounds
Create multiple rounds for the same call for applications. Seek more information with more advanced stages. Qualify participants from one phase to the next based on the potential they show for each phase.
7. Flexible submission form builder with no limitations
Use a sophisticated drag-and-drop submission form builder, supporting file uploading.
8. Auto-save applications and submit later options
It is hard for applicants to fill out their applications in one sitting with no ability to edit and continue later. Applications need to be auto-saved for the applicant’s convenience.
9. Have the complete picture of applicants and potential applicants
Monitor potential applicants who just signed up or still have not completed their application. Send them reminders to submit. If you only view the submitted applications, you are losing contact with all the potential applicants who still did not click on “submit”.
In conclusion, Submission Management Software like Untap streamlines the submission process and makes it easy for you to receive, screen, evaluate, communicate, and filter submissions. It is also just more convenient from the applicants’ point of view.
Learn more about our features, or book a demo.